Object Categories

The category of an object is a DWord bit mask composed of the following values. The first 5 categories must not be combined - of the bits 0-4 only one may be set at a time.
Bit Value Category Description
0 1 C4D_StaticBack Immovable background object.
1 2 C4D_Structure Building.
2 4 C4D_Vehicle Vehicle.
3 8 C4D_Living A living being.
4 16 C4D_Object A smaller item.
5 32 C4D_Goal Game goal.
6 64 C4D_Environment Environmental control object.
7 128 C4D_SelectBuilding Scenario options: Object can be selected as a player-owned building at startup.
8 256 C4D_SelectVehicle Scenario options: Object can be selected as a player-owned vehicle at startup.
9 512 C4D_SelectMaterial Scenario options: Object can be selected as a player-owned material at startup.
10 1024 C4D_SelectKnowledge Scenario options: Object can be selected as an available construction plan.
11 2048 C4D_SelectHomebase Scenario options: Object can be selected as home base material.
12 4096 C4D_SelectAnimal Scenario options: Object can be selected as placed animal.
13 8192 C4D_SelectNest Scenario options: Object can be selected as a nest.
14 16384 C4D_SelectInEarth Scenario options: Object can be selected for underground placement.
15 32768 C4D_SelectVegetation Scenario options: Object can be selected as vegetation.
16 65536 C4D_TradeLiving A living being that can be sold at the home base.
17 131072 C4D_Magic A magic spell.
18 262144 Reserved, used internally.
19 524288 C4D_Rule Rule control object.
20 1048576 C4D_Background Object is behind the landscape.
21 2097152 C4D_Parallax Object moves parallax according to Local 0 and 1. For more information see C4D_Parallax.
22 4194304 C4D_MouseSelect Object can be clicked with the mouse, causing a MouseSelection(int iPlr) callback in the object.
23 8388608 C4D_Foreground Object is always in the foreground, even before global particles.
24 16777216 C4D_MouseIgnore Object cannot be selected with the mouse.
25 33554432 C4D_IgnoreFoW Object is drawn above fog of war. Useful for creating status displays or gui elements using objects. From CR.
Sven2, Mai 2006
Newton & Günther, Januar 2005