The 'for' Loop

The for loop is a very convenient loop with starting initialization. It is most often used as counting loop. It will take three statements as parameters, each separated by a ';' semicolon. Followed by the code block to be executed:
for([Initialisierung]; [Bedingung]; [Inkrementierung]))
  [Auszuführende Anweisung];
It is possible to omit any of the three statements. If there is no condition statement, then the loop will run forever unless it is manually interrupted (i.e. using the break keyword). This is an infinite loop:

Using for as a counting loop

This is the most common use of the for loop. If, for example, you want to print all numbers from 1 to 10, you would write:
for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
  Log("%d", i);
Notice: the following while loop would do exactly the same:
var i = 0;
while(++i <= 10)
  Log("%d", i);

Using for to iterate over an array

Another function of the for-loop is iterating over arrays. Each element of the array is stored in the variable and the loop body executed for that element. The script looks like this:
for(var element in a)
  Log("%v", element);
This script would output all elements of the array a to the log.

Using for to iterate over a map

Another function of the for-loop is iterating over key-value-pairs of maps. The script looks like this:
for(var key, value in m)
  Log("%v => %v", key, value);
This script would output all entries of the map m to the log in the format "Key => Value".

Further examples:

for(var i = 10; i >= 1; i--)
  Log("%d", i);
Counts backwards from 10 to 1.
Var(0) = 2;
Var(1) = 1;
Var(2) = 4;
Var(3) = 3;
Var(4) = 2;
for(var i = 0; Var(i) != 3; i++)
  Log("Var(%d) = %d", i, Var(i));
Prints the indexe local variables (see Var()), until the value '3' is encountered. The result would be:
Var(0) = 2
Var(1) = 1
Var(2) = 4
Peter, Juni 2004