Data Types

C4Script supports the following data types for variables, parameters, and return values:
Type Name Full Name Contents of Variable Example
int Integer A whole number from -2.147.483.648 to +2.147.483.647. 42
bool Boolean "true" (value true) or "false" (value false). Expected as parameter by many structures such as if and while. true
id definition id ID of an object definition (see Object Definitions) CLNK
string String Any text. Single characters can be extracted as int with . Furthermore, it is possible to extract single characters as single-character-strings using "string"[index]. Strings can not be modified this way. Negative indices count backwards, starting from the end. "Dies ist ein Text!"
object Object pointer Reference to an existing object at runtime. No direct representation. See FindObject(). Access to local variables is possible via obj["name"] or, the latter if #strict 3 is activated. -
array array A type containing multiple variables, whose number can be enquired with GetLength, and which can be recalled with array[index]. Since CR. [0,42,CLNK]
map Map A type that allows storing values associated with keys of arbitrary types. GetKeys and GetValues can be used to determine the set keys and values of the map as array. Values can be accessed by their key using map[key]. If the key is a fixed string containing only characters allowed in identifiers the access can also happen via map.key. Since LC [334], only with #strict 3 or above. { X: 10, Y: 50 }
Additionally, there are two special types:


Arrays can be created directly with [expression 1, expression 2, ...] or indirectly with CreateArray(). They are automatically enlarged if necessary on element access, but it's faster to create them with the needed length from the start. If an array is stored in a variable or used as a parameter to a function, the new variable has it's own copy of the array. The actual copy is deferred if possible, though. If an array is passed to a function for modification, a reference has to be used.
Access to element i of array a is achieved through a[i]. i=0 is the first element.
Elements can be appended to the array using a[] = value;

Example 1

func ArraySum(array a)
  var l = GetLength(a);
  var result = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
    result += a[i];
  return (result);
This function adds up all elements of an array.

Example 2

func RandomID()
  var a = [CLNK, WIPF, BIRD, HUT1];
  return (a[Random(4)]);
This function randomly chooses one out of four ids and returns it.


Maps are also known as hashes or associative arrays in other languages. Maps are only available if #strict 3 or higher is enabled. Maps can be created directly with { Key 1 = Expression 1, Key 2 = Expression 2, "key3" = "Expression 3, [Key Expression] = Expression 4, ... }. To ease future additions, a comma may be placed after the last key-value-pair. An empty map can be created with {}. If a key contains characters not allowed in identifiers the key must be enclosed in "" (quotation marks), otherwise quotation marks are optional. To use values of types different than string or the result of an expression as key, enclose it in [] (see example).
The syntax for accessing map values is map[key]. If the key is a fixed string containing only characters allowed in identifiers the access can also happen via map.key. To remove a key from the map set its value to nil.
If a map is stored in a variable or used as a parameter to a function, the new variable has it's own copy of the map. The actual copy is deferred if possible, though. If a map is passed to a function for modification, a reference has to be used.
Using a special for variant it is possible to iterate over all key-value-pairs of a map. GetKeys and GetValues can be used to determine the set keys and values of the map as array. Internally, maps are implemented using a hash. To ensure synchronization in the network mode, additionally the insertion order of the keys is stored. Insertion order in this case means the order in which each key is set in a map for the first time, possibly after it has been already deleted.


If an object is used directly as key and in the meantime it is deleted, the related value is removed from the map. However, if the object is contained arbitrarily in a map or array that is being used as a key and the object is deleted, the associated value becomes inaccessible and also can not be removed. The only way to get rid of such a state is resetting the whole map by assigning a new one to the variable.

Example 1

func MapPlayground(int plr)
  var clonk = GetCursor(plr);
  var m = {
    Position = { X = GetX(clonk), Y = GetY(clonk) },
    Name = GetName(clonk),
    Contents = {},
    "Player's Name" = GetPlayerName(plr),

  Log("Der Clonk von %s heißt %s und befindet sich bei Position %v.", m["Player's Name"], m.Name, m.Position);

  var flint = clonk->CreateContents(FLNT);
  var rock = clonk->CreateContents(ROCK);

  m.Contents[0] = flint;
  m.Contents[1] = rock;

  m.Contents[FLNT] = flint;
  m.Contents[ROCK] = rock;

  Log("%v", m);

  m.Contents[FLNT] = nil;

  Log("Contents: %v", m.Contents);
This function demonstrates the usage of maps.

Example 2

#strict 3

local discounts;

func Initialize()
  discounts = {
    // [discount in %, pieces left], could also be maps, but would be more writing effort :p
    [CLNK] = [10, 3],
    [EFLN] = [25, 4],
    [WOOD] = [50, 50],
    [GetID(GetCursor(0))] = [5, 1],
    // ...

func GetDiscount(id ID)
  return discounts[ID]?[0] || 0;

func SoldItem(id ID)
    if(--discounts[ID][1] == 0)
      discounts[ID] = nil;
Part of an object script that manages discounts for various articles of limited amount using a map.


Consult the following table to determine which types can be converted and which conversions might cause errors:
to -> int bool id object string array map
int OK OK if <= 9999 Error Error Error Error
bool OK OK Error Error Error Error Error
id #strict OK OK Error Error Error Error
object #strict OK Error OK Error Error Error
string #strict OK Error Error OK Error Error
array Error OK Error Error Error OK Error
map Error OK Error Error Error Error OK

Additional information:

Günther, April 2006
PeterW, April 2006