id |
definition id |
Id of the object. |
Version |
3 Integer |
Minimal engine version required by the object. Should be always the current engine version at the time of the last change. |
Name |
String (max. 30 chars) |
Name of the object. Will be overwritten by the applicable one in the Names.txt. |
Category |
Integer |
Category of the object. Also see object categories. |
MaxUserSelect |
Integer |
Maximal allowed count when placed in the menu system. |
RequireDef |
definition id |
The definition will only be loaded if the specified definition has also been loaded. This may be used to avoid errors, for example when doing #include C4ID when the definition is not present in the loaded packs. |
TimerCall |
String (max. 30 chars) |
Regularly called timer function in the object script. |
Timer |
Integer |
Time interval between TimerCalls in frames. Default is 35. |
ContactCalls |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, Contactcalls are called in the object script. |
Width |
Integer |
Width of the object. |
Height |
Integer |
Height of the object. |
Offset |
2 Integer |
Coordinate offset of the top left corner to the object center. |
Value |
Integer |
Value of the object in money points. |
Mass |
Integer |
Weight of the object. Rock 10, clonk 50, hut 1000, castle 10000. |
Components |
ID list |
Elements from which the object is composed. Uncompleted or half grown objects will only have the respective fraction of the components. |
SolidMask |
6 integers |
Solid areas of the object. Target rectangle from the source graphics onto the object. |
TopFace |
6 integers |
Covering layer of the object graphics. Target rectangle from the source graphics onto the object. |
Picture |
4 integers |
Representative image of the object. Rectangle from the source graphics. |
AllowPictureStack |
Integer |
Allows stacking of objects in menus and inventory with differing graphics or names. Bit mask of 1 (allow differing color), 2 (graphics), 4 (names), 8 (overlays). |
Vertices |
Integer |
Number of vertices of the object. 1 to 30. |
VertexX |
up to 30 integers |
List of horizontal vertex coordinates of the object. See vertices. |
VertexY |
up to 30 integers |
List of vertical coordinates of the object vertices. |
VertexCNAT |
up to 30 integers |
List of direction indicators of the object vertices. See CNAT. |
VertexFriction |
up to 30 integers |
List of friction values of the object vertices, each 1 to 100. |
Entrance |
4 integers |
Position of the entrance region relative to the object centre. |
Collection |
4 integers |
Position of the intake region relative to the object centre. |
CollectionLimit |
Integer |
How many objects can be collected, or 0 for no limitation. |
FireTop |
Integer |
Flame distance to the object's bottom line. |
Placement |
Integer |
Placement: 0 land surface, 1 in liquid, 2 in mid-air. |
Exclusive |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object blocks objects behind it. |
ContactIncinerate |
Integer |
Probability of incineration by contact: 0 none, or 1 (high) to 5 (low). |
BlastIncinerate |
Integer |
Incineration by explosion: 0 none, otherwise the damage level of incineration. |
BurnTo |
C4ID |
Definition change upon incineration. |
Base |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the building can be a home base. |
Line |
Integer |
1 energy line, 2 source pipe, 3 drain pipe. |
LineConnect |
Integer |
Connection behaviour for lines. See LineConnect. |
Prey |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object is prey for certain animals. |
Edible |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object is edible. |
CrewMember |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object is added to the player's crew upon purchase. Objects created using CreateObject have to be added to a player's crew manually using MakeCrewMember. |
Growth |
Integer |
Growth of the object. Trees 1-4, living beings 15. |
Rebuy |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object can be bought back after selling it. |
Construction |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object can be built. |
ConstructTo |
C4ID |
Definition change upon building. |
Grab |
Integer |
0 no grabbing, 1 grab and push, 2 grab only. |
GrabPutGet |
Integer |
Bit mask: bit 0 (value 1) putting possible, bit 1 (value 2) getting possible. |
Collectible |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object can be collected. |
Rotate |
Integer |
0 no rotation, 1 full rotation, 2-360 limited rotation. |
Chop |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether the object can be chopped. |
Float |
Integer |
Floatation in liquids: 0 no floatation, otherwise floatation height above the object center. |
ContainBlast |
Integer |
0 or 1. Determines whether explosions in the object's contents affect other objects outside. |
ColorByOwner |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the specified sections of the object's graphcis are colored by the player color. |
ColorByMaterial |
String (max. 15) |
The object is colored by the color of the specified material. |
HorizontalFix |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object can only move vertically. |
BorderBound |
Integer |
Bit mask: Bit 0 (1) Stop at left and right edges, Bit 1(2) Stop at top edge, Bit 2 (4) Stop at bottom edge, Bit 3 (8) Binds objects having this object as layer to this object's shape. If this object is of category C4D_StaticBack, instead of binding the objects' shapes to the shape bounds, the objects' center is bound. |
UprightAttach |
Integer |
If not 0, the unrotated object attaches to solid areas (attachment directions 8-10). |
StretchGrowth |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the uncomplete object (see GetCon) is scaled, not sliced from the bottom like a construction site. |
Basement |
Integer |
0 no basement, 1 normal basement, other values reserved. |
NoBurnDecay |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object does not decompose if burning. |
IncompleteActivity |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object can have activities set even if it's not complete. |
Oversize |
Integer |
0 or 1. The object can be scaled over 100% using DoCon. |
AttractLightning |
Integer |
0 or 1. The object attracts lightning. |
Fragile |
Integer |
0 or 1. The object should not be thrown. |
NoPushEnter |
Integer |
0 or 1. The object can not be pushed into another object's entrance (e.g. elevator case). |
VehicleControl |
Integer |
Bit mask: bit 0 (value 1) object can be controlled by grabbing from the outside and/or bit 1 (value 2) from the inside. With active VehicleControl, clonk orders (commands) are also passed to the grabbed object as ControlCommand calls and can be processed and/or overloaded by the controlled object's script. See Control-Funktionen. |
Pathfinder |
Integer |
1 - 10. Determines search depth of the pathfinder algorithm (default 1). Warning: higher values may slow down the game. By setting this value you can also enable non-CrewMember objects to use pathfinding when executing commands. |
NoComponentMass |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object's contents is not added to the object's total mass. This can be used to prevent small container objects from turning into killer throwing items. |
NoStabilize |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object will not straighten itself to 0° if within a certain upright range. |
ClosedContainer |
Integer |
0, 1 or 2. Determines if objects inside the object receive damage from lava and acid. If 1, clonks inside this object can not lighten the Fog of War outside. If 2 they can. |
SilentCommands |
Integer |
0 or 1. Can be used to prevent failure messages caused by failed commands. |
NoBurnDamage |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object does not take damage when burning. |
TemporaryCrew |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object is not stored in the permanent crew of a player. |
SmokeRate |
Integer |
0 to 200: determines the amount of smoke caused by the burning object. 0 for no smoke, 100 is default. If other than 0, the object will always generate maximum smoke when traveling at high velocity (e.g. a fire arrow). |
BlitMode |
Integer |
0 or 1. Value 1 for addtive drawing. |
NoBreath |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the object does not need oxygen, even if it's a living being. |
ConSizeOff |
Integer |
Values grater than 0 are deducted from the top of necessary construction space. |
NoSell |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1 the object can not be sold. |
NoGet |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1 the object can not be taken from containers by a clonk. |
NoFight |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1 the object will never enter into a fight with other living beings. |
LiftTop |
Integer |
If an object with Action procedure "LIFT" lifts its target to this value above object center the function LiftTop is called in the object script. |
RotatedEntrance |
Integer |
0 entrance is open if the object is upright only; 1 entrance is always open; 2-360 entrance is open within the specified object rotation in degrees. From 4.95.4. |
MoveToRange |
Integer |
Maximum range at which the waypoint of a movement command can be touched for a successful hit. Default value 5. From 4.95.4. |
NoTransferZones |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1 the object's pathfinding will ignore any transfer zones. From 4.95.4. |
AutoContextMenu |
Integer |
0 or 1. If 1, the building's context menu will open automatically upon entry. From |
HideHUDBars |
bitmask |
Hides the specified object's status bars that are visible while the object is the player's cursor. Possible combinable values: Energy, MagicEnergy, Breath, All; Since LC [336]. |
HideHUDElements |
bitmask |
Hides the specified object's HUD elements that are visible while the object is the player's cursor. Possible combinable values: Portrait, Captain (the captain's star), Name, Rank, RankImage, All; Since LC [346]. |
BaseAutoSell |
Boolean |
If true, objects of this definition are sold automatically upon entering a home base (also indirectly within the inventory of other objects), as is the case for gold chunks. Default is false (true if the id is GOLD). Since LC [346]. |